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Announcing tinyLinkFeed--RSS feeds for links posted to Twitter

I've come to enjoy the link-sharing that happens on Twitter, but a few months back I found myself with less time to regularly scan my Twitter stream.

Since I don't always need real-time links, devising a mechanism to time-shift, and read at my leisure, seemed appropriate. Furthermore, since I don't mind following friend's feeds with a feed reader, converting tweets-with-links into RSS feeds seemed like a natural fit. After some brainstorming and a bit of hackery, tinyLinkFeed was born!

[Note: Since this was long ago, tinyLinkFeed is no longer running and I've edited the following to past-tense.]

tinyLinkFeed was designed to aggregate microblogging streams (like Twitter) into RSS feeds, but only for posts that contained URLs. To make the feeds a bit more useful, tinyLinkFeed also resolved shortened-URLs so you knew what you were linking to.

Using tinyLinkFeed was straight-forward. For example, my normal Twitter page can be found at, so my tinyLinkFeed page lived at To follow the links I post to Twitter, would point your RSS reader to

The application came together fairly quick (it was written in Python and ran on Google App Engine.) I have a few ideas on what to add next, but I'm setting up getSatisfaction so you can leave ideas as well.